Cédric Champeau (@CedricChampeau)
Creating a dynamic language for the JVM
Inspired by Ruby
Builders (XML by John Wilson)
Antlr grammar (Jeremy Rayner)
James leaves the project
Grails work started
Guillaume takes lead
Windows installer (Joachim Baumann)
Grails 0.1
50% less commits as in 2006
Groovy 1.5
On par with Java (generics, annotations, enums…)
Elvis operator
Joint compiler
First Groovy and Grails eXchange
Groovy in Action, first edition!
Grails 1.0 released
G2One acquired by SpringSource
I can honestly say if someone had shown me the Programming Scala book by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon & Bill Venners back in 2003 I’d probably have never created Groovy.
Groovy 1.6
performance improvements
AST xforms
VMware acquires SpringSource
Groovy 1.7
Anonymous inner classes
Power Asserts
Customizing the Truth
Groovy 1.8
Command chain expressions
Closures as annotations values (GContracts, …)
Grails 2.0
Groovy 2.0
alternate runtime
Gradle 1.0
52 unique contributors!
Groovy 2.1
Full invokedynamic support
type checking extensions
Groovy 2.2
implicit closure coercion
improved AST xforms (@Memoized
, …)
GPars 1.0
VMware spins off Pivotal
66 unique contributors!
Groovy 2.3
Runs on JDK 8
Markup Template Engine
Gradle 2.0
Pivotal stops sponsoring
Groovy 2.4
Android support
Smaller bytecode
Grails 3.0
OCI takes over Grails
Groovy in Action, 2d edition
Guillaume Laforge (PMC Chair)
Cédric Champeau
Paul King
Guillaume Laforge
Pascal Schumacher
Jochen Theodorou
Andrew Bayer
Jim Jagielski
Roman Shaposhnik
Konstantin Boudnik
Andrés Almiray
Dierk König
Russel Winder
Keegan Witt
Shil Sinha
Graeme Rocher
Groovy 2.5
Groovy 3.0 development
Binary compatibility?
Require JDK8+?
Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2015 Gradle, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/