19 March 2019

Tags: gradle graal groovy kotlin

Writing a simple HTTP server with GraalVM

In my daily work, I often need to start a simple HTTP server to serve local files. For example, this week I’m going to give a talk at Breizcamp, and because my presentation uses a Reveal.js slide deck and that it loads resources dynamically, I need a "real" web server to serve the files. So far, I’ve been quite happy using the Python simple http server. Using it is as easy as running:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

But knowing that the JDK has an embedded HTTP server, and that there’s a lot of hype around Graal those days, I wanted to see if we could achieve the same thing, with a fast startup, with GraalVM. The answer is yes, but the road wasn’t so easy, at least for Groovy.

Show me the code

The code for this experiment can be found on GitHub. We’re going to use:

And because I like the Groovy, and especially its static compiler, my first attempt was to use statically compiled Groovy to do this. Well, it turned out to become a nightmare, so after an hour trying to make it work, I switched to Kotlin, and try to make it work there first. Knowing that Kotlin is a statically compiled language from the ground up and that it doesn’t have the whole dynamic history of Groovy, I did expect it to be simpler.

So, in the end, here’s what the Kotlin server looks like:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val port = if (args.size > 0) args[0].toInt() else 8080
    val baseDir = if (args.size > 1) File(args[1]).canonicalFile else File(".").canonicalFile

    create(InetSocketAddress(port), 0).run {
        createContext("/") { exchange ->
            exchange.run {
                val file = File(baseDir, requestURI.path).canonicalFile
                if (!file.path.startsWith(baseDir.path)) {
                    sendResponse(403, "403 (Forbidden)\n")
                } else if (file.isDirectory) {
                    val base = if (file == baseDir) "" else requestURI.path
                    sendResponse(200, "<html><body>" +
                                .map { "<ul><a href=\"$base/${it}\">${it}</a></ul>" }
                                .joinToString("\n") + "</body></html>")

                } else if (!file.isFile) {
                    sendResponse(404, "404 (Not Found)\n")
                } else {
                    sendResponse(200) {
                        FileInputStream(file).use {
        executor = null
        println("Listening at https://localhost:$port/")

It’s quite simple indeed, and making this work as a GraalVM native image is extremely easy too. This is the whole build file, this is all you need:

plugins {
   kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.21"
   id("com.palantir.graal") version "0.3.0-6-g0b828af"

repositories {

dependencies {

graal {

As you can see, we just apply the Kotlin plugin to build our code, then the GraalVM plugin and configure the basics of the GraalVM plugin (version, main class, …​).

Building the image can be done by calling:

./gradlew http-kotlin:nativeImage

As you can see, building the whole thing takes around 15s on my laptop. That is to say, compiling the server and generating the native image. Then you can try to serve files running:

http-kotlin/build/graal/httpserv-kt 9090 /path/to/files

You’ll see that the server starts immediately: there’s absolutely no wait time, it’s there and ready to answer. The whole process took me less than 30 minutes, the native image is only 11MB. Success!

Making it work with Groovy

Now that I had a proof-of-concept with Kotlin, I went back to Groovy. And, I can say, despite the fact I love this language, that it was a nightmare to make it work. At some point, I even thought of abandoning, however, using perseverance, I managed to work around all problems I faced.

Before I explain the problems, let’s took a look at the final Groovy server:

abstract class HttpServerGroovy {

    // VERY dirty trick to avoid the creation of a groovy.lang.Reference
    static File baseDir

    static void main(String[] args) {
        def port = args.length > 0 ? args[0].toInteger() : 8080
        baseDir = args.length > 1 ? new File(args[1]).canonicalFile : new File(".").canonicalFile

        def server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(port), 0)
        server.createContext("/", new HttpHandler() {
            void handle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {
                def uri = exchange.requestURI
                def file = new File(baseDir, uri.path).canonicalFile
                if (!file.path.startsWith(baseDir.path)) {
                    sendResponse(exchange, 403, "403 (Forbidden)\n")
                } else if (file.directory) {
                    String base = file == baseDir ? '': uri.path
                    String listing = linkify(base, file.list()).join("\n")
                    sendResponse(exchange, 200, String.format("<html><body>%s</body></html>", listing))

                } else if (!file.file) {
                    sendResponse(exchange, 404, "404 (Not Found)\n")
                } else {
                    sendResponse(exchange, 200, new FileInputStream(file))
        server.executor = null
        System.out.println(String.format("Listening at https://localhost:%s/", port))

    private static List<String> linkify(String base, String[] files) {
        def out = new ArrayList<String>(files.length)
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            String file = files[i]
            out << String.format("<ul><a href=\"%s/%s\">%s</a></ul>", base, file, file)

The first thing you will notice is that it’s far from being idiomatic Groovy. Of course I used @CompileStatic, because the static nature of GraalVM would have made this an even greater challenge to make it work with dynamic Groovy. However, I didn’t expect that it would be so hard to make it work. The resulting file is both a consequence of limitations of GraalVM, and historical background of Groovy.

Where are my closures?

The first code I wrote was using idiomatic Groovy, with closures. However, as soon as I started to build my native image, I noticed this obscure error:

com.oracle.graal.pointsto.constraints.UnsupportedFeatureException: Invoke with MethodHandle argument could not be reduced to at most a single call: java.lang.invoke.MutableCallSite.<init>(MethodHandle)

It’s funny to see this MethodHandle error when you know that the code is fully statically compiled, and that it doesn’t contain a single method handle. However, the Groovy runtime does, and this is where the fun began. First of all, GraalVM tells you what method is problematic. This was org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.IndyInterface.invalidateSwitchPoints. Things are getting a little clearer: for some reason, the Groovy runtime is initialized, and we load the dynamic IndyInterface, that I won’t ever need.

The "some reason" needs a bit of explanation. Despite the fact that we use statically compiled Groovy, we’re still implementing Groovy specific interfaces. For example, the GroovyObject interface. Similarly, we honor class initialization the same way as a dynamic class, meaning that when a statically compiled Groovy class is instantiated, even if it doesn’t contain any dynamic reference, we will initialize its metaclass, and as a consequence try to initialize the Groovy runtime.

However something was wrong: looking at my code I could not figure out what would cause initialization, because my entry point was static. In fact, the answer was easy: it came through the closures.

Well, that’s what I thought, because even after eliminating closures, I still got the damn error. In fact, it turns out the situation is far more complex. For example, I had this innocent looking code:

def baseDir = args[0]
server.createContext("/", new HttpHandler() {
    void handle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {

The fact that we use baseDir within an anonymous inner class, and that Groovy uses the same code generation under the hood for both closures and anonymous inner classes, that the baseDir variable is allowed to be mutated in the inner class. Of course here I’m not doing it, but because the compiler doesn’t eliminate that possibility, what it does is generating a groovy.lang.Reference for my local variable, that is used in the inner class. And, initializing the Reference class would cause an additional path to this IndyInterface method call…​

In the end, the problem is not that much that there’s a MethodHandle, it’s that there are potentially different code paths that lead to this, and that GraalVM can’t figure out in the end a single method to be called: we’re just defeating the system!

For example, even creating an anonymous inner class would still trigger the creation of a metaclass for it: this means that even if we replace the closure with an inner class, in the end, we would still trigger the initialization of the Groovy runtime.

I tried to be smart and remove the IndyInterface from the code that GraalVM is using to generate the native image, knowing that in the end, this code would never be called if I didn’t register the Java 7 plugin (that I wouldn’t use in any case). However, it turns out that GraalVM doesn’t like this, as it has special handling for Groovy, and that if you remove that class, it fails with:

Error: substitution target for com.oracle.svm.polyglot.groovy.Target_org_codehaus_groovy_vmplugin_v7_IndyInterface_invalidateSwitchPoints is not loaded. Use field `onlyWith` in the `TargetClass` annotation to make substitution only active when needed.

So instead I spent hours eliminating those paths, which involved:

  • turning that shared variable into a field in order to workaround the reference initialization

  • removing all closures

  • removing usages of GString (interpolated strings, which is why you see String.format instead)

  • replacing the short-hand syntax for creating lists (def foo=[]) with an explicit call

  • removing calls to + with strings (first attempt to remove GString…​)

  • eliminating some classes from the Groovy runtime

  • replacing some classes of the Groovy runtime with stubs, preventing static initialization

In the end, I have something which works, but you can see that the build file is far more complex.

In particular, it makes use of a little known Gradle feature called artifact transforms. Basically, I’m asking Gradle to transform the Groovy jar before GraalVM uses it. This transformation involves filtering out classes, so that GraalVM doesn’t try to be too smart about them.

Once this is done, we can finally generate a native image for Groovy too:

./gradlew http-groovy:nativeImage

It takes about the same amount of time as with Kotlin to generate a similar 11MB native image. Running it is as easy:

http-groovy/build/graal/httpserv-groovy 9090 /path/to/files

And again it’s super snappy!


At this stage, you might consider that it’s a success: we got both Kotlin and Groovy code compiled into a native image that is very snappy and starts even faster than the Python server. However, getting the Groovy version to work was hours of pain. Each time I managed to fix a problem, another one arose. Basically, every method call, every extension method you call is likely to trigger initialization of some Groovy subsystem, or trigger additional paths to this IndyInterface code. In the end it would be nice if GraalVM could completely eliminate the need for having this class, but until then I just cannot recommend anyone to use Groovy to build native images: it’s just too frustrating. And remember that even if you manage to make it work, it takes both a significant amount of time to do so, but also forces you to write non idiomatic code. Last but not least, any addition to your code is likely to force you to update your GraalVM configuration to make it work. In the end, it’s just way easier to write plain old Java code, or go Kotlin.

Note that I’m not saying that it’s not possible with Groovy, but folks usually face different problems than I did, in particular when it’s just about configuring classes accessed by reflection: this is a simple problem. I’m not saying either that you should avoid Groovy: I just think it’s not suited for this use case. I still use Groovy everyday, in particular in tests or for simple scripts (in replacement to bash scripts). However, more worrisome is that if an application transitively depends on Groovy, it’s unlikely to be "GraalVM compatible".

Eventually, if you look at the Kotlin version and the companion Gradle build, it’s extremely simple, thanks to the great work done by the Palantir team!

After this blog post was published, I received a pull request from Szymon Stepniak improving the Groovy code a lot. The resulting file is, however, twice as big (23MB!). It does not change my vision on this either, because it took 2 men to reach this point, in a significant amount of time.